√ Welcome In The Term 2019/2019
In the term of 2019/2019, I am offered by the headmaster of MTs Walisongo to teach English for the eighth and the ninth grade students. It is a challenging task I think. The seventh grade is taught by Miss Tuti.
Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengah Pertama MTs |
The eighth and the ninth still use the KTSP curriculum but the seventh grade use a new curriculum named “Kurikulum 2013” or the 2013 curriculum launched lately by the ministry of Education affair.
I don’t need to adapt to the new curriculum, but Miss Tuti does. For the next one year I can still teach with the old curriculum, then I need to learn the new one because the seventh will move to the eighth. Well, there is no anxiety for me. Miss Tuti needs to learn more before teaching. I hope she can pass the challenges.
This term makes me so curious that I can join to MGMP Bahasa Inggris MTs again. This lembaga really gives me many advantages in supporting and giving me more information, knowledge and of course friends.
At last, I would like to say “ thanks Allah” having given me valuable chances for sharpening my English, I hope I could give contribution for my students and others. Amin. Salam. The writer.
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